Page 9 - September 18, 2017
P. 9
Gerald Soroka

Gerald Soroka announces candidacy for

re-election as Mayor of Yellowhead County Ad and Article

by Deanna Mitchener in the area."
Soroka 's goals as Mayor will
Yellowhead County Mayor continue to included, "Increase
Gerald Soroka spoke to guests at recreational opportunities for our
the Edson Galloway Station communities such as the pump
Museum and Travel Centre on tracks, walking trails, cross country
September 8 to inform attendees of skiing, and snowshoeing. Ongoing
his candidacy for re-election as library service improvements;
Mayor of Yellowhead County. making these facilities more family
Soroka was born and raised in the friendly and offering added
Evansburg area and resides on the services. Hamlet beautification and
original homestead of his continuing our collector road
grandparents. His family ties to the paving program, which ensures
land, and having lived his entire life everyone is either on or close to
in the area, makes him a proud third paved roads."
generation county resident. "Agriculture will always be an
With years of experience farming important industry of the county
and living in Yellowhead County and our programs to continue
Gerald soon sought an even greater support and assistance to our
involvement in his community, and producers. Ensuring the county is
ran for municipal council. well represented and protected as a
Being elected as a County result of the provincially imposed
mandatory, intermunicipal
Councillor for the east end of the collaboration framework
county was a great honour and agreements. Yellowhead will be
learning experience for Soroka, negotiating eight separate
where he gained an appreciation for agreements over the next two
having to look after and support the years," says Mayor Soroka.
whole county, not only his division. "The issues facing local
Seeing the work and vision of the governments are complex, ever-
council come to fruition to make changing and pose great challenges.
the lives of county residents better, Councils are faced with creating
Gerald's desire to move the county solutions to social, environmental,
in a positive direction led him to and infrastructure issues within the
seek the Mayor's chair, which he context of limited avenues for
won, and currently still retains. funding and never ending demands Mayor of Yellowhead County Gerald Soroka announced his candidacy
Soroka's passion for getting the and expectations from the public for for re-election as Mayor for the County. Gerald presented his vision
job done, vision of where he sees more and better service levels. A and goals at a public announcement at the Galloway Museum and
the county headed, and also proactive balanced approach to Travel Centre on September 8. photo Deanna Mitchener
knowing the County's resources these issues will move our
have to be balanced with many community forward, allowing the
competing demands —still offers a county to build a better community
challenge he enjoys, and feels he for present and future generations,"
has been successful at achieving. says Soroka.
He is proud of council's "I very much enjoy meeting the
accomplishments to date and looks public, talking with them, and
forward to continuing this work to interacting. Over the years of being
make the county a better place to Mayor I have seen progress across
live for its residents. the county and I have always
"My goals and vision for my next wanted to give back, and I'm at the
term as Mayor will positively affect stage where I still want to see more
the future of Yellowhead County, done. I still have the passion,
such as continuing to build and energy and drive to give it my all,
enhance our broadband and cellular and to help our county grow," says
services with direct investment and Gerald.
partnerships," says Soroka. "More When asked what are the most
towers will be used for our difficult challenges of being Mayor,
communications with fire services Soroka responded, "Trying to
and our work alone program. They accomplish everything that people
can also be co-inhabited with any would want, because, the wants will
cellular provider as well as internet always exceed the financial side of
services." things. The challenge of balancing
"A lot of our industry, as well, how you get projects completed
need these kinds of services across across the entire county, and still be
the remote areas. We are looking at fair and equal to each division. You
how we can better communicate have to have some type of balance
with industry and the public. because we are never going to run
Utilities at one time were just water, out of infrastructure issues. I
sewer, phone, and gas —now believe if you start running out of
utilities such as internet and cell things to do, you do not have much
phone service are a necessity, it is of a vision, or leadership. I still
no longer considered a luxury, it has want to see so much more
become a need," says Soroka. "We accomplished, but it all takes time
need to continue to improve these and that is a challenge in itself."
types of services." One of the main reasons Mayor
"Bringing senior housing options Soroka made a public candidacy
to our hamlets is a priority because announcement was to put forward
our seniors need more options to be the amount of information he has
closer to their families, friends, and for his campaign. "This is the first
communities. Our seniors have built time I have ever ran a website so if
this county and now its time to give you're seeking more information
back to them," says Soroka. "We you can go to
want to keep them in our to
communities as long as possible as find out more about the future, the
this is where they have raised their direction, and programming we
families, this is where they have have across the Yellowhead
their friends, and they want to stay County.”
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